(All before 20th October international deadline)
DRAFT 2: Added in all of my 7 planned narratives to the start of the video as well as a solid performance shot. The rest of the video I was unsure on as I didn't know what I wanted to do with the narratives, still needed to tidy up shaky shots.
DRAFT 3: First draft where I had the entire song full of shots. I decided to cut the old lady narrative as I didn't have enough shots to develop the planned narrative fully and was thus able to further develop other narratives and add in other performance shots. This draft was also after I had shot more video with my main performer meaning I had a larger variety of performance shots to use.
DRAFT 4: Cut the ED narrative as felt it was too insensitive, this allowed me to develop the other narratives more and hopefully make them clearer.
DRAFT 5: Changed around some of the performance shaky shots and added an extra bit of intertextuality with the book. Added in end card with butterfly and bee to make video come full circle.
DRAFT 6: Made sure all the shots were as steady as possibly and all were edited to the beat of the music.
DRAFT 7: Added QR code in end card to make the two products more digitally convergent.
DRAFT 8 (N0V): Changed some of the swing shots as the metal looked a bit too industrial and went against the 'flowery' feel of my brand. Also added a performance shot near the end that would be more digitally convergent to photos on my 'About' page.